Varnish is a website accelerator platform, which caches information for faster response times. It is occasionally called an HTTP reverse proxy too and it works between a web server and a web browser. When a site visitor opens a given web page, the content is requested by the web browser, and then the server processes this request and returns the needed info. If Varnish is enabled for a particular site, it will cache the pages at the very first request and if the user opens a cached page for a second time, the content will be delivered by the caching platform and not by the server. The increased loading speed is an end result of the substantially faster response speed that the Varnish platform offers as compared to any web server software. At the same time, this doesn’t mean that the site visitors will keep seeing the very same content over and over again, since any change on any of the web pages is reflected in the content that the Varnish platform stores in its memory.

Varnish in Cloud Web Hosting

Our company offers Varnish as an optional upgrade with each and every Linux cloud web hosting and if you wish to use it, you can add it to your shared web hosting account using the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia Control Panel. There are two separate things that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the memory. The first one refers to the number of the Internet sites that you want to use Varnish for and the second one, which comes in increments of 32 megabytes, indicates the maximum amount of content that the content caching platform can store at any particular time. Hepsia’s time and effort saving interface will permit you to switch off or to restart any instance, to check exhaustive logs or to clear the platform’s cache with just one mouse click. For best results, you can employ a dedicated IP for the sites that will use the caching platform. With Varnish, your website will load much faster, which means more pleased website users and prospective clients.

Varnish in Dedicated Hosting

In case you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you will acquire the Varnish data caching platform at no extra fee and you’ll have complete control over it through an extremely easy-to-navigate GUI – you will be able to start, to delete or to reboot an instance, to browse an exhaustive system log, to delete the cached data for any site and much, much more. The Varnish platform will have several gigabytes of system memory at its disposal, so even if you host resource-consuming sites with numerous visitors, you will notice the significantly better website load speeds and the lowered load on your dedicated machine. This will happen soon after you begin using Varnish, since it will require a certain amount of time to cache the website content that people browse. You can take full advantage of the platform’s capability if the sites that are using it also use a dedicated IP address, but since your server includes a few IPs by default, you will not need to pay anything on top of the monthly fee for the server itself.