Extensive Online Documentation
What's online documentation? How can it allow you to get more familiar with the field of web hosting?
Lots of users who begin using their first hosting account, or change companies, frequently have inquiries with regard to how given tasks are done or bump into difficulties when setting up different things like emails, website settings, etc. That’s the reason why, a lot of web hosts have compiled documentation with frequently asked questions and problems in order to help their clients receive info swiftly and easily. Consequently, the help desk team members can concentrate on real issues that certain clients may be facing, since the solution for the minor things will be available on the Internet and customers can easily cope with them without having to touch base with the client support staff. Having comprehensive documentation is essential, particularly for new clients with no prior experience at all, because the web hosting service involves heaps of features and lots of individuals can get puzzled about what action to take. A good knowledge base can both help you carry out the procedures that you need and get to know how the web hosting service functions as a whole.
Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Web Hosting
All Linux cloud web hosting that we are offering include an extensive knowledge base where you can find everything you may ever need to know in regards to your web hosting account. Irrespective of whether you intend to set up a new database, to forward a domain using an .htaccess config file or to set up an email address on your computer or mobile device, you can just read our step-by-step help articles and all the info that you require will be there. When you open a particular section of the Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll see articles that are related to the functions that you can access through it. In case you would like to check the full article archive and get acquainted with all the functions that Hepsia offers, or only to read general info about the hosting service, you can explore the entire knowledge base, which can be accessed via the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve done our utmost best to cover any complication that you could chance upon, but if you don’t find what you’re searching for, you can always touch base with us, as our help desk support staff members are at your service 24/7/365.